Since 2003, we’ve been finding great people for great roles. We’re proud to be specialists in engineering, digital, cyber security, and security-cleared candidates. Placing thousands of skilled candidates in permanent and contract job roles, our talented recruiters are experts in their field. We work with a portfolio of high-calibre clients in the UK and internationally, providing results focussed, responsive recruitment solutions.
Experts in
Discover why over 250 of the world’s leading defence, aerospace, infrastructure, and energy companies and 1000's of talented professionals have chosen to entrust Electus with their business and career growth goals.
Our Industries.
Government & Defence.
With over two decades of experience providing security cleared contract and permanent talent into the UK Defence, Government, Security, and Critical National Infrastructure sectors to draw on, our consultants are experts at connecting candidates to roles across the land, marine, air, weapons, nuclear, ISTAR, electronics, communications, avionics, and cyber security domains.
View sectorAerospace .
As a respected provider of contract and permanent aerospace engineering talent since 2003, our specialist team has developed relationships with high-profile employers and leading Defence and Civil Aerospace manufacturers, consultancies and MROs across the UK and the world.
View sectorInfrastructure.
Our expert consultants have built a reputation as one of the leading specialist infrastructure recruitment agencies, experienced in placing high-quality candidates in technical and engineering roles across the transport, energy, and communications markets. Our network of relationships includes high-profile organisations and some of the largest construction sites in the UK.
View sectorPower & Energy .
Nuclear and renewable energy sources are the future. At Electus we specialise in sourcing talented engineering and technical professionals for both contract and permanent positions across the power and energy sector including transmission, life extension, commissioning, clean-up, decommissioning, design, reprocessing, and new build operations.
View sectorSourcing the best Engineering, Digital, Cyber Security and Security Cleared talent

Client partnerships
Candidates registered
Client retention rate
Recruiting The Right Talent For Your Business Needs
Our reputation is built on quality and consistency. With over 20 years’ experience successfully recruiting key technical and engineering talent for FTSE100 companies, global organisations, consultancies and SMEs in the defence, aerospace, energy, and infrastructure sectors we work hard to maintain high standards and ensure satisfaction.

What our clients say about us.
Over the last 2 years, Electus have assisted our company in recruiting and supplying well qualified Licensed Aircraft Engineers, both permanent and contractor staff. I am writing to feedback to you that we have been impressed by the professional service offered by Electus. Our requirements have been very specific to meet our business needs and our recruitment standards yet you have achieved results beyond our expectations particularly in meeting the timescales involved.